President’s Corner
Spring has Sprung!
As we march into Spring, I hope that everyone is healthy and getting ready for Spring housecleaning and chores. Please exercise caution in cleaning up around the yard, especially if you end up on a ladder or the roof. Pay particular attention to outdoor fires and any cautions or limits that local officials may issue about burning. After a winter dry air and sunshine it is amazing how easily a fire can accidentally spread to nearby areas.
I hope you had a chance to participate in our recently held Meet the Candidate Forums in Northampton, Halifax, and Warren Counties. It is a great way to meet the folks looking to get your vote in a nonpartisan setting. The LGA conducts these forums as a service to the community, we do not endorse candidates or parties.
At the time of this writing, we are watching the spread of the Coronavirus disease (or COVID-19) and the efforts being taken to mitigate the growing threat it presents. Both the situation and response are fluid and sometimes changes daily. The LGA is tracking the recommendations of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as State and local Departments of Health as they may apply to our activities.
Our highest priority is the safety and wellbeing of our members and the community. We have postponed our Five County Forum until such time as the threat has subsided and will be evaluating our other activities as the situation evolves.
We must all do our part to minimize the spread of this disease. If all goes well, the spread will be checked and we will never know which of the protective measures succeeded. That will be a sacrifice worthwhile.
If you have lived or visited here more than a year, you probably know that Spring is also the time when we tend to get high run off into the Roanoke River. This brings the muddy water that is a natural part of the Spring cycle. It usually clears up as the weather warms up.
It is also when the Fish Spawning Season begins and runs through early June. During Fish Spawning Season, the flow rates out of Lake Gaston are specified for Dominion with much tighter limits than normal. In order to handle inflows from local rain events and maintain those tight flow specifications, Dominion is allowed to (and sometimes needs to) operate Lake Gaston at higher levels than normal.
Enjoy the Spring, be safe and be healthy.
Lake Gaston – Special Place, Incredible People!
President's Corner
- Details
- Brian Goldsworthy
- President's Corner
- 2839