When you read this, your volunteer leadership team has already held three committee meetings and our first Executive Committee meeting of the new year was on January 25th.
So, what’s on tap for the first part of this year? Glad you asked.
We are taking the regular March 1st monthly meeting on the road. Time to get out of our comfort zone and see something new. The Mecklenburg school system has invited the LGA to tour their new campus. How exciting is that! We hope for a strong turnout from our Bracey area membership but, of course, all are invited. There just might be a lunch involved. At present time we are working on all the details so stay tuned.
We are in the early stages of planning the 5 County Forum for county and elected leaders scheduled for March 14th and this will be your opportunity to meet your local county officials. We’ve also got a roadside litter cleanup scheduled on Stanley Road near the Lion’s Den on March 23rd (Rain date: March 30th) and this 2+ mile stretch of road will allow us to work in two counties and states all on the same day. Not to mention, Springtime is the perfect time to get out for some much-needed fresh air after being cooped up all winter, so we hope you will plan to come out and help us pick up litter. And of course, lunch will be provided.
The annual membership drive is well underway and if you haven’t renewed for 2023, please do. Reminder invoices have been emailed.
This is just the start of the new year, and we have some neat speakers lined up.
Reminder: The Public Safety Committee will hold our Annual Jack D Saunders Community Shred Event on Saturday, May 6, at the RWVFD, 790 Lizard Creek Road, Littleton. The event is from 10-1 PM and is free. Donations will be gladly accepted to help defray the cost of bringing the shred truck to the lake from Raleigh. For those new to the area, the event is OPEN to Everyone, and you get to watch your confidential documents ground up into confetti. Start saving your stuff to stop identity theft.
Finally, you might have noticed we have some new committee chairs. Please say hello to Director Eric Wooster who is taking over the Public Safety Committee and I will be leading the Membership & Marketing Committee.
Reminder to visit our website at www.LGAncva.com for the latest information. If you would like help navigating the website, please drop me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like your own personal copy of the Bulletin delivered by email, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Can’t wait for spring but must admit this is my favorite time of the year. No traffic, no Food Lion lines, and wonderful sight lines of our beautiful lake without tree vegetation.
Thanks as always for reading, and on behalf of my wife Chris, wishing you a Safe and Happy New Year!
Brian Goldsworthy