President’s Corner
Writing this column reminds me of the old Elizabeth Taylor joke about her 7th
husband (she married Richard Burton twice so technically 8th (apologies in advance).
“I know what I’m supposed to do but how do I make it interesting”.
We made it past the summer hot temperatures and a very busy boating season.
I think we are all looking forward to the quiet, perhaps slowing down and the cooler
temperatures with fall colors. However, when you read this in early October, the LGA
activities are still in full swing.
I truly hope, if you haven’t already, will join us in the annual fall vegetation survey.
Can you throw a rake, operate a tablet, operate a boat or willing to keep others doing
those tasks entertained, we need you. This volunteer effort runs through the end of
October and we have over 300 miles, yep miles of shoreline, to survey. It’s my favorite
fall activity when the lake is quiet, temperatures are cooler and you start to see the
leaves turn. As a bonus, you might even smell wood burning fireplaces. Look for more
information in this Bulletin or contact Jeff Zimmer or me.
For those who have either signed up or completed the task, a huge thank you. This
project has a major impact what happens next year to ensure we protect this lake.
Our Public Safety Committee (full disclosure my committee), Lake Clean-Up,
Government Relations, Lake Environment and Marketing & Membership remain
focused on the tasks at hand and are always looking for more volunteers. Remember
without volunteers none of this stuff happens.
Finally, we will soon be losing two long term board members who will be moving
from the lake. Our thanks to past president Bill Heflin and E Coli kit Mr. Al Potter.
Your behind the scenes work and countless volunteer hours are noted and will be
missed. Best of luck when you begin the next chapter of your lives.
A special welcome to Eric Wooster who has joined the board. Eric lives in
Northampton County and is already an active member of the Public Safety Committee.
If you live in Mecklenburg County (or any other lakeside county), we need you!
Please join a committee which is the gateway to becoming a director. Why? Because
we want to keep Lake Gaston a special place to live or visit.
I hope I kept your interest and you enjoyed this column. Please tell us what we can
do better and we will do our very best to accommodate.
Stay safe, wear the mask when appropriate, wash your hands while you sing Happy
Birthday, use hand sanitizer and floss daily. Thanks for reading and your support.
Kind regards,
Brian Goldsworthy
Lake Gaston -Special Place, Incredible People!
September 2021 President's Corner
- Details
- Brian Goldsworthy
- President's Corner
- 1964