
Lake Environment Committee

Maintaining the environmental well being of Lake Gaston

Lake Environment Committee

Primary areas of focus including water quality, habitat enhancement, aquatic vegetation enhancement, and other Lake Gaston-related environmental issues.

Lake Gaston Water Quality

Click to read the latest information on the quality of the water in Lake Gaston

Lake Gaston Habitat Enhancement

See the new 5-year Operational Habitat Enhancement Plan for Lake Gaston

Aquatic Vegetation Management

LGA partners with Lake Gaston Weed Control Council and NCSU annually to identify location and volume of noxious and native vegetation

Other Lake Related Environmental Issues

Click to learn about other Lake Gaston related environmental issues and topics

Water Quality is one of four areas the Lake Environment Committee has identified as a primary focus. Currently the effort includes:

  • E. coli testing (using Coliscan Easygel test kits) at specific locations, primarily in upper creek areas, during the late spring, summer and early fall months
  • Water clarity testing (using a secchi disk) at specific locations on the lake 
  • In addition, NCSU conducts more sophisticated water quality tests per the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council

Water, like everything else on Earth, including you, is full of bacteria. Some bacteria are beneficial and some are not. Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract and feces of warm-blooded animals.  It is a member of the fecal coliform group of bacteria and is distinguished by its inability to break down easily.  This bacteria is a preferred indicator for freshwater recreation and its presence provides direct evidence of fecal contamination from warm-blooded animals. It can easily be transported in runoff from sources in the watershed. Potential sources are wildlife, farm animals or poorly maintained septic systems.  E. coli can get into the environment, and if contacted by people, can cause health problems and sickness. https://www.usgs.gov/

A simple water test for E. coli, "Easy Gel", is available form Microbiology Labs https://www.micrologylabs.com/ . Easygel  uses a patented Coliscan media, which is a  combination of color-producing chemicals and nutrients that mark coliforms,  E. coli appears in differing colors for easy identification.

The LGA Lake Environment Committee (LEC) has been using Easy Gel  to test Lake Gaston waters since 2017.  The LEC purchases a number of these testing kits and has made them available to members who wish to test Lake Gaston water near their residence, swimming area, and or HOA common areas. 

In 2024 the LEC will continue to focus testing on problem areas previously identified and some of the larger tributary creeks in the watershed. Results are compiled and provide useful data to demonstrate water quality.