- Meets: 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:30 a.m. at the
- Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce - 2357 Eaton Ferry Road
Littleton, NC
- Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Chair: Brian Goldsworthy - (919) 302-6511
Committee Mission
The mission of the Volunteer & Membership Engagement Committee is to enhance the general public’s knowledge of the Lake Gaston Association by creating more visibility (both physical and in print). We want everyone to realize the value of joining the LGA and becoming part of the strong LGA voice that is bringing positive changes to the Lake Gaston Community.
Primary Function
The Committee utilizes all available means to promote the LGA’s mission, accomplishments and membership benefits. These include but are not limited to advertising in local media publications, sponsorship and/or participation in lake-area events and functions, and development of programs to solicit new and retain current household and business members.
- Improve LGA visibility within the 5-county lake region. This will be done by attending as many community events as possible to hand out brochures, answer questions, and encourage new folks to join LGA (both households and businesses). The LGA will also help sponsor many of these events.
- Improve LGA visibility by strategically placing small billboards proclaiming the LGA and its efforts to support all personnel (members or not). We will also make maximum use of print media (newspapers & regional magazines/publications).
- Actively solicit businesses to join the LGA. Promote their visibility through the business card pages in our quarterly bulletin and our website. Encourage household members who have businesses to upgrade to the business membership level.
- Work with other committees and organizations for the betterment of the LGA.