
LGA News

LGA latest new and announcements

The North Carolina State University’s Aquatic Plant Management Program has played an active role in understanding the ongoing infestation of Lake Gaston by the filamentous, mat-forming cyanobacterium (blue-green alga), Lyngbya.

At our annual membership meeting on June 17th, Jessica Baumann, NCSU extension associate, provided us insight into the biology of Lyngbya and explained current management by the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council. She also discussed ongoing research aimed at identifying potential negative impacts for both humans and native aquatic fauna due to interactions with Lyngbya. Since Lyngbya is a cyanobacteria, the main focus of her presentation was ongoing research that focuses on the potential of cyanotoxin production from Lyngbya within Lake Gaston and what that means for those who enjoy being in and around the lake. 

Copies of her presentation can be viewed here:



